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  • AnnetAgaints sun shot.
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Kritikker (4)
Jostein M.

Hi Ferran! I like this idea. The picture has some nice lines but it gets to dark. Usually this picture, I feel, is better in sunshine and blue water.
Regards Jostein
Ferran C.

Thanks jonstein, apreciatte your coment, i was trying agains sun looking for extrem light contrast, just like experiment, i did not make many of that kind in the past, i don´t know much about, so i tryed for a while, i guess that the one with the drum in ''photosig'' is some nicer.
Thanks again,
Jostein M.

I agree with you. The one in photosig with the drums I like more, but I think you should go on with this idea dough I think it must very difficult.
Regards Jostein
Roy S.

Almost like a graphic print. I like it. A little unsure about the ''gray'' line in the top. Did you cover partly with a grayfilter ?
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